Operation Angel Wing (OPAW)
Having fathers, brothers and a son in the military, veterans are near and dear to our hearts!
Part of our mission is to provide natural remedies for some of the issues they commonly face (and are often left to deal with on their own). With that in mind, we are offering a custom glass tumbler to help promote an organization we work closely with, and are happy to support!
Operation Angel Wing, co-founded by Mary MIllsaps and Zeke Vanderpool, provides therapy for military members and first responders. Their work in the field of trauma is invaluable and unmatched. All proceeds from the sale of these glasses will go directly to OPAW and be used in their continuing effort to minister to these brave men and women!
You can learn more about this organization at www.operationangelwing.org
OPAW Mission Statement: Operation Angel Wing (OPAW) is a non-profit organization that targets the individual needs of American veterans/first responders and their families suffering from the devastating effects of Post-Traumatic Stress. OPAW is dedicated to aiding and assisting our warriors, their families, and the communities they serve, one victory at a time.
(Click the picture to purchase!)